
9:00am - 12:30pm

GPFM Summer Market is located in Garfield Park, Indianapolis, IN, at the corner of Southern Ave and Shelby St.



Pets are allowed at the Summer Market but they must be on a non-retractable leash no longer than 6ft. GPFM reserves the right to remove any animal / owner that doesn’t display safe behavior or proves to be a danger to others.

Are pets allowed?

We accept SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and Senior vouchers. We also provide “Fresh Bucks” which will double your SNAP dollars up to $20! Please visit the GPFM info table to receive SNAP tokens to use with vendors at the Market.

do you accept snap?

In 2018, The GPFM was the first farmers market in the country to gain the “Slow Food Approved” designation according to Slow Food USA. This means that every vendor adheres to the Slow Food Principals of being good, clean and fair for all. You can read more about Slow Food here!

Most vendors accept credit cards. If there is a cash-only vendor and you forgot your cash, you can always purchase a gift certificate for any amount at the GPFM Market trailer and spend it at a cash only vendor booth!

Parking is available on site in the designated parking lot and on side streets. You may park in the grass on the South side of the market. Please see the parking attendant for instruction. There are 2 reserved handicapped spots at the entrance. Dont forget that there is plenty of parking inside Garfield Park with a short and pleasurable walk to the market! Enjoy our beautiful Indy Parks!

what does it mean to be a slow food market?

do vendors accept cards?

Is there Parking?

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